Quality Management
Highest quality for satisfied customers
The quality of our services and products is aimed at the complete fulfilment of our customers’ wishes, needs and expectations. In the process, the benchmark for the assessment of our quality is first and foremost set by you - our customer.
Internal quality management ensures compliance with international standards and directives. The implementation of the QM system is carried out according to standardised methods and with the help of flexible tools for the modelling and documentation of all production and business processes (DIN EN ISO 9001:2008).
Certificates and Approvals
- Certyfikaty ISO 9001:2015 - sektor przemysłowy i kolejowy
- Certyfikaty IQNET-ST-T ISO 9001:2015 - sektor przemysłowy i kolejowy
- ISO/TS 22163:2017 - certyfikat IRIS
- EN 15085-2 CL 1 - certyfikat spawalniczy
- DIN 6701 - certyfikat łączenia klejem
- EBC-EG-Certificate
- Bombardier Preferred Supplier
- ALSTOM Leading Partner (LP150)
- and many more