ShoreCONNECT systems for "green" harbours
Markets are growing, cruise ships and container vessels are getting bigger & bigger and the frequency of calls at the ports worldwide is constantly rising.
During the last 10 years e.g. the number of passengers only in Germany has tripled and currently this trend does not seem to end soon.
Thus, all around the harbour´s terminals pollution by nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides and particulate matters is happening, which at times can be that high that, strictly speaking, residential areas would not be permitted. In times of bans on motorized traffic for passenger cars in city centers and “ecological footprints“ for ports additional pollution just cannot be afforded anymore.
We offer innovative systems and system-components for supplying onshore power into the onboard supply systems of cruise ships and container vessels. This way, we are contributing to the reduction of emissions of air pollutants, noise and carbon dioxides in the port areas.
Our systems can be customized individually to the conditions in all the ports worldwide. Gear your port up for the future by using our ShoreCONNECT solutions.