Non-Icing System
The freezing of catenary wire systems in the area of railway vehicles during the winter months is a recurring problem, given that the formation of ice on the overhead lines interferes with the current consumption via the contact strips. Damages resulting from this can lead to significant costs.
To ensure uninterrupted passenger operation even in the event of extreme sub-zero temperatures and to prevent icing, we offer a highly effective system through which the overhead lines are coated with an antifreezing agent beforehand. The operational costs for this preemptive non-icing system are very low.
The system consists of two components. One part is the device, which is assembled to a fixed frame inside the railway vehicle and the other part is an additional roof-mounted pantograph, the contact strip of which is replaced by a lubricator with a felt roller.
System advantages
- Interruptions in passenger operation (overhead contact line, vehicles) are significantly reduced
- Electronic damages to the vehicles due to contact interruptions are prevented
- Carbon wear is reduced
- The vehicle is consistently supplied with power due to the reliable contact of the contact strips to the catenary wire