Our company was founded in 1912 by the engineer August Stemmann in Luxembourg. At that time, we were already dealing with the production of power supplies for cranes in steel and smelting works as well as for other mobile equipment. Later on, slip ring assemblies for rotary equipment and pantograph systems for railway vehicles were added.
During the years 1984 - 2014 we were part of the Fandstan Electric Group a private holding company with subsidiaries in Great Britain, the Netherlands, Poland, France, China, India, Taiwan, the USA and Australia.
The major business areas of the Fandstan Group included the development, production, commissioning and sale of innovative solutions for the transmission of energy, data and media to rotary resp. mobile equipment.
Since 2014 we belong to the Wabtec Corporation, a global provider of technologies, products and services in the field of railway and industrial engineering.
Through the integration of Faiveley Transport to the Wabtec Corporation in 2016 we are an important part of one of the largest public rail equipment companies in the world with more than 20,000 employees around the globe.